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Single User I.P.B. 1039 22nd July 1992 (KAH)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software Mandatory
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Security Release 9.x Issues

See Also
IPB 1018 - IPB 1027 - IPB 1034 - IPB 1041 - IPB 1043
IPB 1044 - IPB 2056 - IPB 4005 - IPB 4013 - IPB 1020

Security Release 9.x has been introduced to enable systems with the on-board Security chip-set (LS 386SX-20, Qi, FTe & FTs) and systems with the new AdLOC add-in security card, to be programmed from a single software interface. NO CHANGES have been made to the features available within Security but, due to the increased size of the combined software, it has been necessary to alter the way the Reference/Setup disk loads the Security utility. For this reason, Rel 6.3 of the Reference/Setup disk is now required before the software may be accessed correctly. This may be downloaded from Area 41 of the Apricot Insight BBS. With earlier versions of the Reference/Setup disk, the software may load, but the screen is likely to appear blank. A temporary solution is to load the Security utility from the DOS prompt by running ASU.EXE from the Reference/Setup disk.

Upgrading from Release 7 or 8

The Security software may be upgraded to release 9.x in the same way as earlier versions, either by performing a complete reinstallation, or by manually recopying each file. In both cases, it will be necessary to run the Security utility from the Reference/Setup disk to load the CONFIG.SCF file from the earlier version, then reprogram the system.

Windows & Unattended Mode

A change has been made to the way the screen blanking driver handles unattended mode in Windows 3.x. A text editor should be used to make the following changes:

Remove the line


from the [386enh] section of the file SYSTEM.INI, located in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory.

Change the line in CONFIG.SYS to read:


where PATH represents the location of SECURITY.SYS and WINPATH gives the location of APRSEC.386.

Potential LOSS OF DATA following incorrect installation of REL 9.0

If the procedures outlined in the manual are followed as detailed, all aspects of Security will install and function correctly. It has been found, however, that corruption of the hard disk may occur if a system attempts to load either CRYPT.SYS or SECURITY.SYS without having first been programmed with the Security utility.

All the relevant files have now been rewritten to form Security REL 9.1. All copies of REL 9.0 may be returned to the address below for upgrade.

Attn: Kelvin Hill
Technical Support Department
Apricot Computers Ltd
Birmingham Business Park
B37 7YS



Computing for a Connected World