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Single User I.P.B. 1040 1st October 1992 (CD)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software Advisory
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Apricot C&T 452 High Resolution Windows 3.1 Drivers

See Also
IPB 1036 - IPB 2122 - IPB 2125

The High Resolution Windows 3.1 drivers disk for Apricot on-board 452 video (i.e. LS-20, XEN-LS, Qi 486, FTe machines) is now released.

All users that sent back the registration card from the Apricot Windows 3.1 pack will be receiving a disk within the next 2 weeks.

For dealers or users with a modem, the files can be downloaded from Apricot Insight BBS. It is located in File Area 6 and is called APW31DRV.ZIP.

It is important to note that on XEN-LS 486 machines, APRVID.EXE will have to be run once, every time the machine is re-booted. It is recommended that APRVID.EXE be put in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This ONLY applies to XEN-LS 486 machines.

Please note also that the new LS Pro and XEN-LS II machines use a different video chip set and will not run with these drivers. They have the relevant High Res drivers shipped with every machine on the three Apricot Drivers Disks.

Apricot Windows Help and DOS Text Files

Apricot are starting to produce Windows Help and DOS Text files as an addition to the standard Apricot manuals. Currently, files are shipped on the MS-DOS 5.0 System Disk and the Apricot Drivers Disks with the LS Pro.

These files, along with files for the new SCSI Multiple Drive Array (MDA) card, are available for download from File Area 40 of the Apricot Insight BBS.



Computing for a Connected World