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Hardware I.P.B. 4047 22nd October 1990 (AC)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Software On Failure
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Apricot OS/2 1.1 & Floppy Disk Problems

It has been brought to our attention that a problem exists whereby the floppy drive on Qi 900 machines (or any MCA machine with SCSI hard disk) will return "DRIVE NOT READY" style errors when running under Apricot OS/2 version 1.1

This is due to the TIMEOUT window being too short, and so OS/2 times out before the floppy drive becomes ready.

The remedy for this problem is to update DISK04.SYS by copying over this file either DISK02.SYS from OS/2 1.2 Beta or DISK03.SYS from Apricot OS/2 1.21 install disk, or use DISK03.SYS from the Apricot bulletin board Area 45.



Computing for a Connected World