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Hardware I.P.B. 4030 3rd August 1990 (NT)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Starting with the introduction of LANstation, the MCA reference utility and AT setup utility will be combined into a single programme called HDSETUP.EXE. This utility will provide all the functionality found in current configuration software plus the ability to LOW LEVEL FORMAT, FDISK and USER FORMAT a hard disk drive.

It should be noted however that HDSETUP.EXE has a primary drive partition limitation of 32 MBytes when installing DOS 3.x. This is because HDSETUP does not draw a distinction between Apricot DOS 3 and the standard Microsoft product. If you wish to install the Apricot version of DOS 3, use the standard DOS 3 Apricot boot disk and install in the normal way.

The LOW LEVEL FORMAT contained in this utility will correctly format Quantum ProDrive SCSI devices (see IPB 4029 ) as fitted to Qi 900, but does not as yet contain a media scan. When fully released, copies of this utility will be available via the Bulletin Board service.



Computing for a Connected World