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Hardware I.P.B. 4031 14th August 1990 (AC)
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Wangtek Tape Drive TS/150 - Product Code XP43835 or 43833

See Also

IPB 4014 - IPB 4018 - IPB 4050

To help with the confusion over the various tape controller card revisions, the following information will be of use:

Wangtek AT Controller revisions:

Rev A Hole thru' style Requires modification to Rev C (Part No: 19808130)
Contact Network Si Group Spares Dept.
Rev C Hole thru' style DOS OK
Part No: 19808130 Xenix OK
Rev A6 Surface mount style DOS OK
Xenix Requires patch XNX149
Rev C Surface mount style DOS OK
Part No: 14235521 Xenix Requires patch XNX149

Wangtek MCA Controller revisions:

Rev A Hole thru' style DOS Problem - winds to end of tape and hangs
Full length card Xenix Problem - winds to end of tape and hangs
Network Si Group Spares Dept will exchange this
version card for a later version under the warranty terms
Rev C Hole thru' style DOS Problem - winds to end of tape and hangs
Full length card Xenix Problem - winds to end of tape and hangs
Network Si Group Spares Dept will exchange this
version card for a later version under the warranty terms
Rev F Hole thru' style DOS OK
Full length card Xenix OK
Part No: 14235621
Rev A Surface mount style DOS OK
Half length card Xenix Requires patch XNX166
Part No: 19814530 Unix Requires patch UNX165
Rev C Surface mount style DOS OK
Half length card Xenix Requires patch XNX166
Part No: 30205330 Unix Requires patch UNX165

The Xenix and Unix patches are currently available from Apricot Technical Support bulletin board (AREA 39). We are hoping to be able to ship these with the cards once approval has been gained from SCO.

As far as we are aware there are just two versions of tape drive out in the field. There are no apparent issues with the earlier version of the drive, only with the firmware on it. The fault symptoms of incorrect firmware in the earlier drive are:

  1. The system hanging at any point during a backup
  2. Not being able to selectively restore from a tape.

This firmware was located at IC U17 and the only version we can recommend has the checksum 12CD. If you have any other version, i.e. FEE1, it should be changed. The correct version can be obtained from Network Si Group, part number: 30199430.

The latest drive has an apparent reset problem which is being addressed by Wangtek and tested by Network Si Group. The symptoms of this problem are that the tape drive access LED comes on and stays on and the drive hangs. The firmware in the latest drive is located in IC U41 and has the checksum 12CE. We have tested drives with this version and have had reset problems. A later firmware revision is being tested. This later drive has been shipped since April 1990.

Sytos Tape Software Versions:

Version 3.00 EVA OK Doesn't support networks
Version 3.1 WKB OK
Version 3.11 WKB OK Current shipment
Version 3.1 ADC OK SCSI version

Apart from the issue with the current build drive, we are aware of a problem when running with Novell Netware in network mode. It must be used in non network mode, and even then the files can only be copied using the file by file backup option and the Novell system bindaries cannot be backed up. Sytron, the authors of SYTOS are looking at this problem



Computing for a Connected World