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Hardware I.P.B. 4042 4th October 1990 (AC)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware On Failure
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Overheat Alarm on VX FT

We have a reported problem on new VX FT machines where the temperature overheat alarm sounds as soon as the machine is switched on. The cause of this is the connector board on the central fan panel not being fully inserted into a connector on the drive bay power distribution board. This has arisen due to dimension changes on the PCB.

The cure for this problem is to fit spacers behind the power distribution board. (ECR 3402).

If this problem is encountered on a new VX FT it should be reported under the normal 90 day warranty terms.

The operation of both fans should be noted, if either or both are not working and the fault is not due to the above problem, then with the fan panel out of the machine the two sockets PL 1 & PL 2 where the fans plug in should be checked for secure location and soldering.



Computing for a Connected World