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Hardware I.P.B. 4071 16th December 1991 (NT)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Seagate Elite Drives 1.3GByte and 2GByte

During the first quarter of 1992, two new high-capacity, fast-access 5.25" SCSI Winchester hard disk drives will be available for use in FTs servers.

Specification Seagate Elite I Seagate Elite II
Form Factor 5.25" 5.25" Full Height
Formatted Capacity 1.3 2.0 GByte
Data Heads 17 19
Average Access Time 11.5 11 mSec
Cache/Buffer 240 240 KByte
Max Data Rate 4.3 4.5 MB/Sec
Burst Data Rate 5 5 MB/Sec
Rotation Speed 5400 5400 r.p.m.
MTBF 150,000 150,000 POH

Both drives are power hungry devices, requiring a startup current of 5.2 amps, and a nominal running current of 2 amps. Apricot's system integration tests have indicated that in order to safely run these devices, an upgrade is required to the Uninterruptible Power Supply, the fusing arrangements, and the wiring loom.

All FTs machines built after 8th January 1992 will contain the up-to-date components. For those who wish to add these drives to existing installations, an upgrade kit will be made available (any exchanged parts may be returned for credit). It is recommended that drive upgrades and the installation of UPS kits be conducted by an Approved Service Centre.

Apricot will not accept warranty claims for damage caused to FTs systems, where these drives have been installed without the necessary power supply modifications.



Computing for a Connected World