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Hardware I.P.B. 4090 13th November 1992 (MPR)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Installing IDE Hard Disks in XEN-S

Early XEN-S machines were shipped with either 30MB MiniScribe or 47MB Seagate hard disk drives. As the quantity of these drives available for replacement has diminished over time, information is provided here to allow a 50MB or 100MB IDE drive to be fitted to those machines.

The following parts are required for this upgrade.

Part Number Description
14590131 IDE Card Cage
14586531 IDE Signal Cable
14585831 LED Status Cable

The following part numbers are for the 50MB & 100MB IDE hard disk drives.

Product Code Description
KR47540 50MB IDE Hard Disk Drive
KR47539 100MB IDE Hard Disk Drive

All the above items can be ordered in the normal way, i.e. through the Order Desk.

XEN-S (Venus I) requires minimum BIOS version 3.10.17 for implementation of the correct drive type numbers.
XEN-S (Venus II) requires minimum BIOS version 1.02.17.
Drive Types
Quantum ProDrive 52AT, 50MB IDE is type 30.
Quantum ProDrive 105AT, 100MB IDE is type 31.



Computing for a Connected World