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Hardware I.P.B. 4091 20th November 1992 (NT)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Apricot Equipment Power Ratings

This IPB is superseded by IPB 4124

With increased use of external uninterruptible power supply units, it is important to know the power consumption of all devices to be connected to it. Detailed below is a list of the power supply ratings of all current Apricot systems, with some guide lines for power requirement calculation.

Apricot System Unit PSU Max Power Input Power (VA)-
Output (Watts) see Note below
LANstation 40 52
LS Pro 40 52
XEN-LS 150 195
XEN-LS II 150 195
Qi 486 150 195
FTe (includes UPS) 233 303
FTs (includes UPS) 465 605
Monitors PSU Max Power Input Power (VA)-
Output (Watts) see Note below
14" VGA Paper White 70 91
14" VGA Col (.39 pitch) 100 130
14" VGA Col (.31 pitch) 100 130
14" VGA Dual Sync 140 182
14" VGA Dual Sync 140 182
14" Multi Sync MPR II 210 273
17" Multi Sync MPR II 280 364

For further information regarding prevention of mains interference and power failure, see Dealer Technical Bulletin Volume 1 Section 1.99-18.


The power output dissipation quoted in column one is for maximum PSU output power not input power. Switch mode power supply units are 70% efficient. Sum all the components to be connected to the power supply and add 30% for power supply losses; assuming a unity power factor, the resulting power rating can be quoted as a VA rating. (Input VA rating is shown in column two for individual components).



Computing for a Connected World