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Hardware I.P.B. 4094 23rd November 1992 (RS)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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XEN-LS II (Samurai) Memory Configurations

To avoid confusion whilst upgrading the memory within this machine, follow the table below:-

On-Board SIMM 1 SIMM 2 Prod. Code Total Memory
4MB - - - 4MB
4MB 4MB - SA50484 8MB
4MB 8MB - SA50485 12MB
4MB 8MB 4MB SA50485/4 16MB
4MB 16MB - SA50486 20MB
4MB 16MB 8MB SA50486/5 28MB
4MB 32MB - SA50487 36MB
4MB 32MB 8MB SA50487/5 44MB
4MB 32MB 16MB SA50487/6 52MB
4MB 32MB 32MB SA50487/7 * 64MB

*Base memory disabled when 64MB is fitted

SIMMs that can be used are 70nS 36 bit (Parity), or 32 bit (No Parity) with gold-plated contacts



Computing for a Connected World