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Hardware I.P.B. 4095 23rd November 1992 (PAS)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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LS Pro - Low Level Format

The hard disk on the LS Pro is an IDE type. It is error free, and should never need to be low level formatted. However, if you do require to low level format it for any reason, you can use HDSETUP. This can be found on the Reference/Setup Disk. This disk is not supplied with the LS Pro; however, it can be obtained from our bulletin board.

Steps to follow

1. Boot machine with Reference/Setup disk
2. Select- Disk Utility
Disk Preparation
Select DOS version
Low Level Format


You will experience an error in the hard disk description. This is because HDSETUP was not designed for IDE drives, and therefore reports the wrong description for the hard disk type. The capacity etc. is correct. HDSETUP reads this from the drive itself.



Computing for a Connected World