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Hardware I.P.B. 4098 29th November 1992 (CBW)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Spares Advisory
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BusLogic SCSI Cabling Options & Precautions for New Card in FTs and FTe


BusLogic SCSI cabling in the FTs uses the same slot positioning as currently used in the FTs products (bottom two). There are different cables used, to account for the different position of the SCSI connector. Termination should always be used on the SCSI card. Termination in the drive bay should be produced either by the front bay termination with the switches on, or with the feed-through cable and terminated in the rear drive bay. Dual SCSI bus configurations should be terminated at the front and rear bays as appropriate. Cable part number is 15042331; this accounts for different location of SCSI connector.


BusLogic SCSI cabling in the FTe uses the same slots positions as currently used in the FTe (2 and 3). There are different cables used, to account for the different location of the SCSI connector. Terminations should always be used on the SCSI card. Termination in the drive bay is unaltered. The SCSI bus is either terminated with the block terminator, or if a DAT drive is fitted, then the DAT drive provides termination with its internal resistors. Front cable part number is PT15042631, rear cable part number is PT 15042931, this accounts for different location of SCSI connector.

Relevant part numbers are:

FTs: Cable is PT15042331
FTe: Front cable is PT15042631, rear cable is PT15042931



Computing for a Connected World