Fans for LS Pro and LANstation - Identification
See Also IPB 4084
A recent IPB (number 4084) outlined important differences which must be
observed when attempting to replace a cooling fan in either the Apricot LANstation or LS
In practice, these fans look very similar, and as part numbers are not
stamped on them, it may be possible to confuse which is which.
The information below is provided to enable easy identification of a fan
from inspection of the manufacturer's label which can be found on the fan hub.
LANstation fan:
This is labelled Quietec SB0412L (Apricot part number PT14847031)
LS Pro fan:
The original sleeve-bearing fan is labelled Quietek SB0412M (was Apricot
part number PT15005631).
New "ball-bearing" type (which replaces original fan) This is
labelled Fonsan DFB0412M (Apricot part number PT15062831). |