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Hardware I.P.B. 4106 23rd Feb 1993 (JS)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Firmware Advisory
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XEN-LS II BIOS Version 1.00 Issues

Support for Dual Hard Disk Drives with Maxtor 200MB

Where single 200MB hard disk systems fitted with Maxtor 200 MB devices are converted to dual hard disk drive systems, then the BIOS requires upgrading. This problem affects all systems pre 1.02 BIOS level (7th February 1993).

The cure is, when fitting a second 200MB Maxtor drive, to check the system BIOS and upgrade as required. The BIOS will be issued on an exchange and return basis from Technical Services under warranty.

5.25" Floppy Drive Support

The initial BIOS version 1.00 set-up will not support 5.25" floppy drives. The 5.25" floppy drive can be successfully written to and read from on the XEN-LS II, although BIOS version 1.02 or greater is required.



Computing for a Connected World