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Hardware I.P.B. 4159 14th November 1995 (POB)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Large Disk Support in older Apricot Desktop Machines
(Configuring IDE Drives using IDE Enhancer)

On machines with a standard IDE Hard Disk Controller chip fitted, MS-DOS will only recognise a drive of 504MB. To enable large disk support, a software driver called IDE Enhancer is required.


When installing Hard disk drives into Apricot machines the following points should be noted.

Bonsai based Machines BO / BN LS Pro 386SX-33 & 486SLC-33

These machines will only support Quantum Hard disks up to 540MB and the Lightning 730MB, providing the latest version of BIOS is fitted (version 1.07.02 for BN and 2.04.01 for BO). The drive will then be Auto-detected and given a value. Save and then exit from setup and the machine is ready to load the software.

Samurai based Machines SA / SD / SF XEN-LS II & XEN-PC

These machines will only support the larger Hard drives if the latest BIOS (1.06 for SA and 2.05 for SD / SF) is fitted. This BIOS supports the USER DEFINED option. To set the drive parameters first select the User Defined Option in setup, then select UserHDs. This detects how many drives are available. Select detect 1 or Detect 2 for the correct drive and then enter the Cylinders / Heads / Sectors (this information is normally printed on the hard drive). If the drive is correctly configured then the total size of the drive will be shown. Save and then exit from setup and the machine is ready to load the software.

A1 & J3 based Machines SH / SJ / VA XEN-PC: XEN-PCM: XEN-PCLS: EPx

Enter Setup and select type 255 for the required drive (Drive 1 or 2 can be selected using the tab key). Now press the F8 key, this interrogates the drive and sets the parameters for the drive. Save and then exit from setup, the machine is then ready to load the software.

Caracal/Revenge/Ruby/Jade BN/RA/RB/RC/RD LS Pro (Caracal): XEN-PC:
& P2 based machines RE/RF/RG/RH XEN-PCM & XEN-PCLS

These motherboards already incorporate a ECHS Drive detect function. Therefore the IDE Enhancer software is not required for these machines.


Once the Hard disks have been fitted into the machines the following points should be noted when installing the IDE Enhancer software.

PLEASE NOTE: This software is destructive to ALL data on the Hard Disk.

All Machines

Boot the machine using the floppy disk supplied with the IDE Enhancer software (Purchased from Apricot Spares as Part Number 15552031). After booting the screen will show the syntax "Install IDE Enhancer" along with an exit prompt. Highlight the Install command and press return. The next prompt will give the size of hard drive available and will ask if all the space is required. Press Y if you want all DOS or N if you require a smaller partition (i.e. if a network is required). If No is selected, the required size will need to be added by the user. If Y is selected, "Creating New Partition... Please Wait" appears on the screen, and then "New Partition Created, Set to Active... Press any key to continue" is shown. Finally the prompt "Do you want to Modify User Options" is highlighted and the default is N. Remove the floppy disk and then reboot using the DOS installation disks or a boot disk so the application software can be loaded.

After the application software has been loaded onto the Hard disk, the machine will now recognise all the available space on the drive.



Computing for a Connected World