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Hardware I.P.B. 4183 31st May 1996 (JU)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Using Hands Free phone facility and TV on MS530

It has been found that when a MS530 has the modem connected into the sound card as per the diagram underneath, problems arise when trying to use the TV feature.

As default the modem is not connected to the sound system of the computer. To enable full multimedia capability follow the diagram below.

Ipb4183.gif (9153 bytes)

Although the TV volume will not appear to work, all the other sounds will, i.e. standard windows beeps, CD audio, etc.

This arises because there are two input lines into the sound card. One of these is used for the standard windows beeps and multimedia, the other is used for the TV card. However, because there is a line in on the back of the machine, this has to be shared with one of these lines.

So, when the connection from the modem speaker/line out is plugged into the sound card line in, it takes control of the shared input line.

The only way around this is when the TV is to be used, unplug the connection from the sound card line in.



Computing for a Connected World