MS530 and Incorrect Sound Configuration
There has been reported a number of isolated incidents when powering on
a brand new MS530, the machine has started up into Windows95, and then given the error
message "cannot connect to mixer".
This is caused by the autoconfigure selecting the wrong sound driver.
To rectify this, open the control panel, then open the system icon, then
click on the device manager tab.
It should open a window displaying a list of items currently installed
on the machine.
One of those items will be called sound, video and game controllers.
Double click on the item, and this will then reveal the controllers. The sound controller
that should be installed is a Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 or AWE-32.
If any other is listed, click on it once to highlight it, then click the
remove button. The system will ask if you are sure, click OK to confirm.
Close the System Properties window, and go back to the Control Panel.
Double click on the Add new hardware icon, and follow the instructions until you get to
the screen asking if you want windows to search for new hardware. When you get there,
click no, and the next button. This will then give you a screen asking you to select the
type of hardware you want to install. Scroll down the list until you get to an option
called Sound, Video and Game Controllers. Select that option, and click the next button.
When the next window open up, there will be a list on the left of manufacturers, and the
list on the right of models. From the manufacturers list, click on Creative Labs, and the
right hand window will display the models. Click on the Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 or
AWE-32, then click the next button. Follow the instructions as they appear on the screen
until the installation process has been completed. Once the MS530 is rebooted, the correct
SoundBlaster software will be installed.