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Hardware I.P.B. 4190 18th October 1996 (POB)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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MS540 with the Trent motherboard, machines running slow or Error 062 displayed on Boot

Please be advised that on machines with the Surepath Bios (MS540 with the Trent motherboard will have a model number MMxxxxx on a white sticker at the back of the machine), if the machine is interrupted during the boot sequence or fails its post test 3 times, it will set the cache to disabled. The machine then runs extremely slow or gives an "062 Boot Failure - Default Configuration used" error on the next boot.

This can be remedied by enabling cache in SET UP as follows:

  1. Let the machine boot into the SET UP screen using the prompts as necessary.

  2. Select "Load Default Settings" and follow prompts to save settings and reboot.

  3. The machine then boots and shows a 162 error during the start sequence and will return into the SET UP routine.

  4. Select "System Summary" and confirm that the Hard Disk Drive 0 and CD-ROM drive 1 are available (warning triangle will mark the new items to be saved), escape to main menu again then select "Advanced Set up" and " Cache Control". The Cache State should be enabled. If it is, escape back to the main menu and exit making sure you have saved the settings.

  5. The machine will then boot into Windows 95 as normal.



Computing for a Connected World