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Hardware I.P.B. 4189 25th September 1996 (JW)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Dataflex V34 Voice Surfer Software Modem

There are currently two variants of the Dataflex Voice Surfer modem being shipped. The difference between the two revisions of the modem is the positioning of the RFI choke, otherwise there is no other functional difference.

Revision 3 of the modem (PT15819731) relies on an RFI choke to be fitted to the modem cable (PT15875031).

Revision 4 of the modem (PT15911531) incorporated the RFI choke onto the card itself and removed it from the cable (PT15911631).

If field intervention is required to replace the modem, always replace the cable with the modem. The BABT approval number on the label attached to the cable should correspond to the approval number on the modem itself.

The choked cable should not be used with revision 4 of the modem, this is untested and the modem's performance cannot be confirmed.

The unchoked cable should not be used with rev 3 of the modem, this will invalidate the computer's RFI conformance and therefore invalidate the CE mark.

If problems are being experienced, then the revision number of the modem needs to be checked with the type of cable installed. The revision number is found on the underside of the modem on the barcode label.



Computing for a Connected World