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Hardware I.P.B. 4196 17th December 1996 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Software Advisory
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Running "Fade To Black" on an MS540 with a PD/CD-ROM Drive

A problem has been noticed when trying to install the game "Fade To Black" onto an MS540 with a PD/CD-ROM drive.

As the PD/CD-ROM device is effectively two devices in one (a Read / Write Device and a Read-Only CD-ROM Drive) the Operating System allocates Two Drive Letters to the Device. On the MS540 the PD/CD-ROM Device has been allocated Drive Letters E: (for the Read / Write element) and F: (for the CD-ROM element). Although the game recognises a multi-CD drive setup, it requires that the CD is inserted into the first CD-ROM drive. During installation a critical error occurs which prevents the game from installing correctly or running. This error is caused by CD being effectively inserted into the second CD drive (F:).

To install and run "Fade To Black" use the following procedure.

  1. Load Windows'95.
  2. Insert the "Fade To Black" CD into the PD drive.
  3. When the CD Autoruns, a screen will appear , offering you the option to Run, Install, Read Docs or Quit. Select Quit.
  4. Click on Start, then Programs, then MS-DOS Prompt (this will open up an MS-DOS window).
  5. Type F: then press <enter>.
  6. Type CD\BAT then press <enter>.
  7. Type INST F: C: F2B US then press <enter> (in upper-case).
  8. INST will now copy the game files onto your hard disk.
  9. When the copying is complete type SETSOUND and press <enter>.
  10. Use the Menu's to configure the sound card correctly (select Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16), then select done.
  11. At the prompt C:\F2B you can type F2B -W and press <enter> to run the game.

To run the game after rebooting Windows'95, follow option (4) to get to the DOS prompt window, then type C:\F2B\F2B -W and press <enter>.



Computing for a Connected World