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Hardware I.P.B. 4195 16th December 1996 (POB)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Hutchinson Multimedia Encyclopedia and Printing Problems

It has been reported that Hutchinson Multimedia Encyclopedia users are experiencing the following print problems.

  1. Prints the first page perfectly, prints the contents of page two but numbers the page as THREE and so on with subsequent pages.

  2. When requesting to print both Text and Image by selecting Auto, it will only print the Text.

Attica are aware of printer problems and are in the process of offering a solution.

If there is a requirement to print text, please carry out the following instructions as an interim measure:

Select "Print" option and "Copy Text to Clipboard", This will copy the text to an area of memory in Windows. Now open up any Word Processor (Windows "Write" will be suitable) and "Paste" the text into the document by either selecting "Edit" and "Paste" or pressing the "Ctrl" key followed by the "V" key (Ctrl and V together) on the keyboard. The text will now be printed.

An update to this IPB will be produced when a "solution" is available from Attica.



Computing for a Connected World