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Hardware I.P.B. 4199 7th February 1997 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory

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"Send To" option in Windows’95 on MS540/660


It has been noticed that the Pre-Installed software on some models is not set up to allow you to send a file to the Floppy drive (see diagram).

To enable this function implement the following procedure.

(1) Load Windows’95.

(2) Left-click on "Start", then "Programs", then "Windows Explorer".

(3) On the directory tree, Left-click on the + by the "Windows" folder.

(4) On the directory tree, Left-click on the "Send To" folder.

(5) Drag the scroll-bar (by holding a left-click on it) to the top of the list, so that "3½ Floppy (A)" is visible.

(6) Pick up & drag the "3½ Floppy (A)" into "Contents of ‘Send To’" by holding a left-click on it, moving it and then letting go of the button.

(7) At the Prompt:-

"You cannot move or copy this item to this location. Do you
want to create a Shortcut to the item instead?"

Click on YES.

(8) Edit the Filename "Shortcut to 3½ Floppy (A)" by clicking on the text, to read "3½ Floppy (A)".

(9) Now, when you try to send a file you will get the following options:-



Computing for a Connected World