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Hardware I.P.B. 4200 11th February 1997 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory

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Using an Epson GT-5000 (Parallel) with Trent based machines (upto BIOS ver 7.05).


The Epson GT-5000 Flatbed Colour Scanner with Parallel Interface comes with its own ISA Parallel Port card. It is preferable to connect the scanner to this device so that you can connect a Printer to the on-board ECP Printer Port. Detailed below is a step-by-step procedure for installing the scanner.

  1. Select BIOS configuration by pressing F1 when the PC is booting.
  2. Select the "DEVICES AND I/O PORTS" option.
  3. Check the following settings:

    "PARALLEL PORT" should be set to [AUTO-CONFIGURE],
    "PARALLEL PORT MODE" should be set to [AUTO],
    "PARALLEL PORT IRQ" should be set to [AUTO],
    "PARALLEL PORT DMA" should be set to [AUTO].

  4. Save any changes and exit BIOS configuration.
  5. Boot into Windows 95.
  7. From the Device Manager list, select "PORTS (COM & LPT)" and click on the + sign once.
  8. Select The "ECP PRINTER" and then Press the Properties button.
  9. Click on the "RESOURCES" tab.
  10. If there is a tick in the "Use Automatic Configuration" box then click on it to remove it.
  11. Next set the Settings Based On to be "BASIC CONFIGURATION 0005".
  12. If Basic Configuration 0005 is unavailable, then change it to 0004, save the settings by clicking on the OK button and reboot the PC. When the system restarts then return to step 6 and repeat the procedure. You will find that Basic Configuration 0005 should now be available.
  13. Check that when Basic Configuration 0005 is set that the values for the input/output Range is 03BC-03BF and that the Interrupt Request is 07.
  14. Shut-down the PC.
  15. Remove top cover and fit the Epson parallel card into a spare slot with the following jumper settings:-
  16. Connect the scanner to the Epson Parallel card, Switch the machine on and load Windows’95.
  17. Select "START", "SETTINGS", "CONTROL PANEL", "ADD NEW HARDWARE", when prompted to search for new hardware select "NO", then "PORTS (COM & LPT)", then "PRINTER PORT".
  19. From the Device Manager list, select "PORTS (COM & LPT)" and click on the + sign once.
  20. Select The "PRINTER PORT" and then Press the Properties button.
  21. Click on the "RESOURCES" tab.
  22. If there is a tick in the Use Automatic Configuration box then click on it to remove it.
  23. Double-click on the I/O setting & change it to "0378h".
  24. Restart the machine & Select BIOS configuration by pressing F1 when the PC is booting.
  25. Select the "DEVICES AND I/O PORTS" option.
  26. Select the following settings:

    "PARALLEL PORT" should be set to [PORT 3BC (LPT1)],
    "PARALLEL PORT MODE" should be set to [STANDARD],
    "PARALLEL PORT IRQ" should be set to [IRQ 7],

  27. Save any changes and exit BIOS configuration.
  28. Load Windows’95 & install the Scanner software. (2 disks - Epson Scan! II). During installation the "Epson Scanner setup" screen will appear. - At this point select BID Parallel as the interface - Port 378 as the Port ID.
  29. The Scanner should now work fine.



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