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Hardware I.P.B. 4216 20th August 1997 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Software Advisory

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ATI MPEG Player on MS660 Pentium 233MMX Models

On the Apricot MS660 models with Pentium 233MMX, the ATI MPEG Video CD Drivers have not been pre-installed correctly. They appear to have been replaced with Active Movie software, causing the following symtoms.

  1. When running ATI Player, Video CD's do not autoplay.
  2. In Media Player, there is no option to select the device "ATI MPEG Video CD Drivers".

To cure these problems, the most current version of ATI Player needs to be installed on the machine. ATI Player can be downloaded from either the ATI Support Website, or on the Apricot Bulletin Board, at the following internet locations.


Once installed, if ATI Player is running and a Video CD is inserted it will autoplay.

Note:- After installing ATI Player, if you get an empty black box on the screen when trying to run a Video CD (using either ATI Player or Media Player), then you will also need to install the latest ATI Video drivers. These drivers can also be downloaded from the above locations.



Computing for a Connected World