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Hardware I.P.B. 4218 14th August 1997 (JDK)
Department Category Implementation
Technical Support Service Mandatory

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Important - Changes to the DOA system.

Mitsubishi Electric PC Division have recently restructured their GTSD Post-Sales Technical Support Group with the aim of focusing its expertise on the support of accredited customers. As a consequence of the increased product training that will be imparted in the accreditation process, and in conjunction with the company wide SAP roll-out, the DOA system has been highlighted as being in need of streamlining.

In an initiative, aimed at improving the efficiency of the DOA system, the handling of all aspects of the DOA system will now be dealt with by the Returns Department within Mitsubishi Electric PC Division. This will deflect the administration tasks away from Post-Sales Technical Support Group ensuring the maximum amount of time is available to deal with technical support issues.

The new procedure will commence on 1st September 1997. From this date, should you need to request a replacement system under the DOA procedure, please call MEPCD on 0121-717-7171 and ask to speak with the RETURNS DEPARTMENT.

You are reminded that all desktop systems carry a 10 day exchange warranty: a system failing within 10 days of delivery to the reseller may be exchanged for a replacement system under the plan. Returned systems will be checked and logged for fault analysis purposes and feedback will be provided on no fault found (NFF) statistics.



Computing for a Connected World