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Hardware I.P.B. 4221 30th September 1997 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Software Advisory

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Video corruption in EA’s DarkLight Conflict on MS Series (MW) Systems

An issue has been seen with the DarkLight Conflict game supplied with the MS Series (MWxxxxx-x) PCs whereby various menu screens may corrupt if the mouse is moved. This has typically been seen when the game is re-installed by running D:\INSTALL.

To overcome this problem, follow the instructions below;-

  • Ensure that the DarkLight Conflict CD is in the CD-ROM drive
  • Click on the START button, select Programs, then MS-DOS Prompt
  • From within the DOS window, enter the following commands

    C:\MACH64\M64VBE S

  • Once the game is installed, before exiting the DOS window, enter
  • C:\MACH64\M64VBE U

  • Finally, exit the DOS window with the EXIT command.




Computing for a Connected World