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Hardware I.P.B. 4222 30th September 1997 (JE)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory

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FT//ex 1000 & 1500 - parity problem with 16Mb SIMMs

A potential problem exists when fitting 16Mb SIMMs in FT//ex 1000 and 1500 systems only. The problem will be with 16Mb (4M x 36bit) 60nS SIMMs made by Micron supplied as Mitsubishi Electric PC Division’s part number 15717331. They can be identified as Micron MT9D436M-6.

It is possible for the same part number to be supplied as a Samsung part – in this case the problem does not occur.

At power on the memory is counted, then a blue information panel at top of screen is displayed followed by the error:-

RAM Parity Error
Press ESC to turn off NMI or other key to reboot.

This normally indicates that non-parity memory is fitted and pressing ESC allows you to run without using parity.

The problem is isolated to fitting of the Micron part in sockets 1 and 2 only. For example a machine with four 16Mb SIMM’s fitted where Samsung parts are in sockets 1 & 2 and Micron parts are in sockets 3 & 4 functions correctly.




Computing for a Connected World