Trent Motherboard Socket 7 Problem
An issue has been identified with a particular batch of Pentium sockets
(Socket 7) used on the Trent motherboard in Apricot systems where systems could
intermittently hang in operation.
The socket manufacturer has identified the problem as being specific to
the following batch of product:
Suspect Date Codes
The suspect batches were shipped from the Glasgow factory during 1996, weeks 34 and 37
Socket 7 batch codes have the following format:-
Date Code Example
G = Glasgow (Man Plant)
6 = 1996
34 = Week Number
(Week 34 confirmed as problem)
When AMP identified the problem, a factory stock purge in Glenrothes was
undertaken to minimise the number of suspect sockets shipped. It has been recognised
however that a number motherboards (Trent) equipped with this socket were shipped in
Japan, Germany and the UK. A quantity of these products have been returned in the UK with
faults consistent with the above description. The products affected were MS, LS and VS
Pentium classic and MMX ranges. The date code for the processor socket is clearly marked
and can be identified as shown in the example so if problems are experienced the date code
should be checked first and if it is either of the codes illustrated then your service
provider should be notified.
It must be stressed that where system units using a Socket 7 with the
batch code identified are working satisfactorily and no problems are being experienced,
then there is no need to take any action.
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