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Hardware I.P.B. 4225 10th November 1997 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Software Advisory

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Disk Properties Pie Chart not displaying Percentage of Used Disk Space correctly

On a system that is running Windows 95 OSR 2 (4.00.950B - see System Properties) and has a disk partition of greater than 2Gb, the Pie Chart that represents the amount of Free & Used Disk Space does not show the correct proportions (see example diagram below).

The Pie Chart can be accessed by Double-Clicking on the "My Computer" icon, then "Right-Clicking" the "Windows 95 (C:)" and then clicking on "Properties".

Incorrect Correct

This problem has been identified by Microsoft as Bug #15941, and can be resolved by installing Internet Explorer 4.0 and answering yes when asked to install the Desktop Enhancements.




Computing for a Connected World