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Hardware I.P.B. 4226 11th November 1997 (JB)
Department Category Implementation
Networks Hardware Advisory

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Release 3 of FT4200 Flash Disk contains Incorrect ECU Version

It appears that release 3 of the FT4200 flash disk, incorporates version 1.01 of the EISA configuration utility (ECU). This version is an incorrect release of the ECU, and has been included in this release of the flashdisk in error.

If a user upgrades a system to use Release 3 of the flashdisk, and subsequently runs the ECU via F2 at boot time, there is a risk that hanging problems may manifest themselves when the system is booted.

If Release 3 of the flashdisk has been installed, configuration of the system should only be done by using the ECU diskette supplied with the system which contains the correct version (1.00) of the ECU.

It is anticipated that a new release of the flashdisk will be available soon, which will incorporate the correct release of the ECU.




Computing for a Connected World