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Networking I.P.B. 2006 14th August 1989 (RS)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software On Failure
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Installing Supercalc IV On VX-Net 3.13

When running the ACTIVATE program used to install Supercalc software on a network drive, an error message occurs after entering the location for the write access for the keyfile.

The message reported is :

"not the same actual place as \\main0\sc4xi"

where \\main0\sc4xi is the location entered for the write access of the keyfile.

The problem is caused by the new version of the REDIR.EXE file (27/9/88) supplied with VX-Net 3.13.

To install the old version of the REDIR.EXE (Vr 1.5.4), run the OLDREDIR.BAT batch file located on disk two of the VX-Net 3.13 update software.



Computing for a Connected World