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Networking I.P.B. 2031 30th August 1990 (SF)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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Installing WordPerfect Office 3.0 On VX-Net 3.13

To correctly install WordPerfect Office on a VX-NET system, the installation must be carried out in two distinct stages. The first stage of the installation involves setting up the required number of users who will be using the WordPerfect office, and giving them all the same drive identifier (e.g. W:), using NETGEN.

Then install the WordPerfect Office software from a workstation using the install program supplied with the software, entering the appropriate directories for the destination files when prompted for them. When the installation program finishes, logoff from the network and stop the server.

For the second stage of the installation, begin by booting the server from a DOS 3.30 boot disk and going into drive C:.

(N.B. you must have LASTDRIVE=Z in your config.sys file ).

When the software was installed, the destination drive was written into various files within the Office suite. Because of this, when continuing the installation on the server in standalone mode, the correct drive letter must be mapped to the directory where the Office files are to be found. To do this type in the following command:

SUBST {drive identifier used in netgen} C:\APPLIC\IBMGEN\{application name}


( This is assuming that the application was set up as IBM GENERIC in NETGEN )

Next, at the prompt go into the substituted drive, then CD into the Office admin directory and run the OFFADMIN program. The first step when in this program is to create the USERID.NB file as detailed on page 9 in the WordPerfect Office system administrator's guide.

Once you have created the appropriate users you must now run the GENOFF program to generate the Office host. Details of how to run GENOFF can be found on page 45 of the Office system administrator's guide. While in the GENOFF program, you will be asked to specify the network type; this should be set to 0 for OTHER NETWORK. When the GENOFF program finishes, exit from the menu then reboot the server.

The most important consideration to be made when using Office is that the Office shell must be run from the users own scratch (U:) drive. The simplest way to do this is to either have a command in STARTUP.BAT, or to create a batch file specifically for starting Office.

The command you will need to issue is as follows:

{drive identifier}\OFFICE30\SHELL


All user-created files will therefore reside in their own scratch (U:) drive and the Office system will be far more secure.

The procedure detailed above is required because VX-Net is not fully supported by WordPerfect Office, in that sharing of user files is not performed in exactly the same way under VX- NET as it is under certain other network operating systems.

Apricot and WordPerfect will only support the installation of this product under VX-Net if the above outlined procedure is followed.



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