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Networking I.P.B. 2055 14th January 1991 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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Novell NetWare 386 v3.10 Rev A - Essential Patches

The following text is taken directly from a Novell Technical bulletin, and applies to all sites where NetWare 386 v3.10 rev A is being run. The patches mentioned are available from NetWire, from Novell distributors, or from the Apricot Technical Support BBS. For more information, please contact your Novell distributor. Many thanks to Novell UK for allowing us to reproduce their bulletin.

Should a site running NetWare 386 v3.10 rev A report problems, check to see if the patches mentioned below have been loaded, and if not, load them and re-assess the situation before investigating further.

Bulletin 278
January 3, 1991
Essential Patches to NetWare 386 v3.10 rev. A

Several patches have been released for NetWare 386 v3.10 rev. A, which are considered essential for the operating system's optimum functionality. Each of these patches should be loaded at every installation of NetWare 386 v3.10 rev. A. (See Technical Bulletin 277 for an explanation of patch types)

The following list identifies and describes the patch and provides, in parentheses, the filename on NetWire to download.

CACHEFIX.NLM is a semi-static patch that corrects the caching problem. Under heavy usage when data is read from cache before the cache is written to the disk, the data read could result in the return of erroneous data. If cached data is read and rewritten to cache, the corruption would be saved to disk. If the data is not changed in cache, the data will be saved correctly. This problem exists primarily with random access applications (for example, database servers). (CACHFX.ZIP)

FIXOPEN.NLM is a dynamic patch that overrides the Read Only security of v3.10a, providing pre-v3.10a access functionality. In NetWare versions previous to NetWare 386 v3.10 rev. A, a file flagged with Read Only rights could be opened by applications using a Read/Write open DOS call. This deficiency was corrected in the v3.10a security enhancements. However, many applications are written using file open calls requiring read and Write rights. If these applications are used with v3.10a, the errors "File not found" or "Access denied" may appear when attempting to open files flagged as Read Only. (FXOPEN.ZIP)

PASSFIX.NLM is a dynamic patch that corrects a very rare security shortcoming which has been identified by Novell. This patch is for NetWare 386 v3.10 rev. A servers. For most Novell customers who have intruder detection set on, this security weakness will not pose a problem. Novell recommends that all customers turn intruder detection on. If a customer has greater concerns for security, this corrective patch should be applied. (SEC386.ZIP)

WDOGFIX.NLM is a semi-static patch that corrects a problem where the server comes to an abnormal end with the message "Abend: Total sprintf string length was too long (Error code 00000000)." This Abend could occur at any time, but occurs more frequently if the console parameter "Console display watchdog logouts = ON" was set. This patch also fixes a problem that displays invalid characters or user names on the console screen when the watchdog clears a user's connection. (WDOGFX.ZIP)



Computing for a Connected World