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Networking I.P.B. 2148 7th October 1993 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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Novell NetWare v4.01 Updates and Patches

Hot on the heels of the NetWare v4.01 update, released by Novell within a few months of the initial v4.0 product, Novell have released two updates to the NetWare v4.01 product.

DSPAT.EXE, 233406 bytes, released on 23rd September 1993, contains a static patch for NetWare v4.01 that is applied to SERVER.EXE. This patch fixes a number of issues found with the NetWare Directory Services under NetWare v4.01. There is a full readme file within the distribution archive that explains what the fixes are. Novell recommend that this patch is installed on ALL NetWare v4.01 servers.

NWPARR.EXE, 27656 bytes, released on 23rd September 1993, contains updated NWPARR.DLL files to replace those in the ESPANOL, ITALIANO and FRANCAIS language support directories on the NetWare v4.01 install CD. The NetWare v4.01 CD was shipped with the German language version instead of the above language versions.

Both the above files are self-unpacking archives that can be downloaded from File Area 37 of Apricot Insight BBS (they are also available via the CompuServe NetWire forum).



Computing for a Connected World