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Networking I.P.B. 2210 4th April 1995 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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Upgrading from NetWare 4.02 to NetWare 4.10

Since the release of NetWare 4.10, Novell have continued to work on the product, investigating reported problems that have been encountered when upgrading from NetWare 4.02 to NetWare 4.10, and as a result they have released an upgrade kit to help eliminate potential problems with the NetWare Directory Service (NDS) that could occur during a 4.02 to 4.10 upgrade.

This kit, downloadable as 4X241.EXE from Apricot Insight BBS or from the Novell NetWire forum on CompuServe, contains a new version of DSREPAIR for NetWare 4.02, and a new DS.NLM for NetWare 4.10. It is recommended that the DSREPAIR.NLM in the kit is run on all NetWare 4.0x servers to be upgraded to NetWare 4.10, and that all NDS errors are cleared before upgrading. If this is not possible, then the new DS.NLM should be loaded on the upgraded server(s).

4X241.EXE contains an upgrade readme file (READUPGD.TXT) that describes the preferred upgrade route. It also recommends that the version of DS.NLM (4.77b) that is in the kit be installed on all NetWare 4.10 servers, as it is more tolerant of errors in the NDS database.



Computing for a Connected World