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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3001 23rd February 1989 (RM/PW)
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Xenix Software On Failure
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VX Systems and SCO Xenix VR 2.3.1

To install SCO Xenix VR 2.3.1 on an Apricot VX System, it is necessary to discard the SCO 'N' volumes and use the Apricot 'N' volumes to be found in the Apricot Map Manual.

During installations, the 'badtrk' utility will be run, and will prompt whether you wish to scan the fixed disk for flaws. It is not necessary to scan the SCSI Winchester, since bad sectors are automatically mapped out when the disk is formatted. If you do use the scan option, it should find no bad track - if any are found, then the drive should be reformatted before continuing with installation.

It is most important with SCSI systems, that you do NOT add bad tracks to the bad track table from the drive manufacturers defect list - if you do, all sorts of irrecoverable files system errors will occur, for which the only remedy is to re-install the complete system.

Finally, allocate the default number of bad tracks to allow for as indicated by the system, and then proceed as normal.



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