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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3002 23rd February 1989 (RM/PW)
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Xenix Software On Failure
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Chase AT Cards with SCO Xenix 386 VR 2.3.1

Problems have been reported with Chase cards (AT4, AT8 and AT16) under SCO Xenix 386 VR 2.3.1. These problems manifest themselves either as cards which are recognised correctly on booting the system, but then fail to communicate with attached terminals, or as Chase cards which intermittently hang on an otherwise working system.

The following procedures should be followed to rectify these problems:-

Firstly, enter the directory '/usr/sys/conf' and edit the file 'xenixconf' using 'vi' - locate the 'wd1' entry and remove it from the file. Then use the following commands to recreate your xenix kernel:-

./configure -r
simply quit from this utility
this rebuilds the kernel
installs the new kernel in root

- on completion of the above, shut down the system, cycle power on the system unit and re-boot the operating system.

If the above procedure fails to rectify the problem, please contact Apricot Unix Support, who will supply an upgraded driver and firmware for the Chase card, which should solve the problem.



Computing for a Connected World