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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3031 17th July 1989 (RM)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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SCO Multiview - Versions and Compatibility

Apricot are currently shipping SCO Multiview 386 VR 1.01 (Product Code SS41364) which installs and runs correctly on SCO Xenix VR 2.2.3 for the Qi and SCO Xenix 386 VR 2.3.1 for XEN-S and 386/100 products.

If SCO Multiview is purchased from a source other than Apricot, it is likely to be version 1.5. While SCO Multiview VR 1.5 will install and run correctly under SCO Xenix 386 VR 2.3 it will fail if installed under SCO Xenix 386 VR 2.2 which is currently installed on Qi systems.



Computing for a Connected World