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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3030 11th July 1989 (RM)
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Qi Series - Update to Bulletin 3021

Intermediate Technical Bulletin 3021 reports a problem which can cause corruption of data when reading double density floppy disks under SCO Xenix 386 on a Qi.

For your further information, the chip which requires upgrading is located in IC13 on a Qi 600 system and is found under the floppy disk drive, and is in IC12 on a Qi 300 system, located to the left of the floppy disk drive. To establish whether an upgrade is required, locate the chip and read the label printed on it's upper surface. The correct chip is NEC part - D72065C.

If you have a different floppy controller chip, please contact Apricot Computer Services and request part no. 12160130. The telephone no. is 021-511 1234.



Computing for a Connected World