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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3029 11th July 1989 (RM)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Hardware On Failure
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Qi Series - Update to Bulletin 3027

Intermediate Technical Bulletin 3027 reports a problem which can cause Xenix to 'panic' on Qi 600 systems. The part number referenced in that bulletin refers to the unprogrammed version of the PAL chip. The correct number is - 12140021. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

To identify whether a replacement PAL chip is required, locate IC79 on your system (this is a socketed PAL chip on the motherboard, under the hard disk drive). The correct PAL chip should be labelled - NEPB079C. If the last two digits are VA or VB, the chip should be upgraded through Dealer Spares at Network Si Group on telephone no. 0121-511 1234.



Computing for a Connected World