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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3050 10th November 1989 (RM)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Mandatory
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SCO UNIX and the VX FT

SCO UNIX 386 VR 3.2.0 will install and run successfully on the VX FT, including the INTEL(TM) 80486 processor versions.

However there is a version of the Adaptec SCSI card firmware which will not allow UNIX to install. The problem causes the following error message during installation:-

WARNING: aha:adaptor 0 SR_DETECTED, status=00,intr=88

the system then PANICs.

If you experience the above problem, please contact UNIX support who will supply the correct firmware for your Adaptec SCSI card.

The PROM in question is in position U13 on the Adaptec card - the correct revision is labelled 421701-00 2B, whilst the incorrect revision is labelled 421701-00 A.

N.B. It is important that you load your reference disk prior to installation and make sure that the Adaptec SCSI card is located on interrupt 15, before commencing installation. MS-DOS Rel 3, Reference disk revision 9 and MS-DOS Rel 4, Reference disk revision 1 both set the Adaptec SCSI card to interrupt 14 - this causes UNIX to hang on installation (refer also to I.P.B. 3038).



Computing for a Connected World