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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3055 15th December 1989 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Hardware Advisory
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Western Digital Cards on MCA machines

Western Digital have produced a number of different types of card which are currently causing confusion. The SCO Unix TCP/IP networking software due for release in January fails to function with the X3 (Surface Mount) revision of the card. The X4 and X5 revisions of the card work correctly.

The X3 card can be made to function correctly through a kernel patch which can be supplied from Unix Support.

All Western Digital cards run on the following settings under Unix.

Base Address 280H
Interrupt 3
BIOS ROM Space Disabled
Shared RAM C4000H

The use of interrupt 3 which is normally allocated to the serial ports means that the following commands must be run before the network software.

cd /etc/conf/cf.d
./configure -c -d -m 5 -v 3

This command frees interrupt 3 for use by the Western Digital card.



Computing for a Connected World