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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3058 19th December 1989 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Hardware Mandatory
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Cabling Requirements under SCO Xenix and SCO Unix

Over recent weeks we have received numerous calls about cabling to serial ports (on-board, Chase or Specialix). In view of the apparent confusion, the following is the specification to which all installations should conform.

  1. All RS232 cables running at 9600 baud should not exceed 50 feet.
  2. Cable lengths in excess of 50 feet should make use of line drivers. We do not advise line drivers are powered from a pin on the serial port, the best line drivers always have an independent power supply.
  3. Cabling should always contain a shield which is connected to pin 1 at one end of the cable only.

These three items assume the cable is laid in an environment away from mains power. The introduction of mains power into the same area can prevent the serial lines behaving normally and may require the baud rate to be reduced significantly. Never use the same ducting for serial cables and mains power.



Computing for a Connected World