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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3059 19th December 1989 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Mandatory
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SCO Unix V/386 on i486 versions of VX FT server

The initial shipments of the i486 versions of the VX FT server should not be used for SCO Unix V/386 or SCO Xenix 2.3.2 installations. All the products released containing the i486 are 400 series which also have insufficient memory for SCO Unix.

The 800 series (for Unix and Xenix) will not at this stage be i486 and a bulletin will be issued when the 800/30, 800/60 and 800/90 are being produced with the i486 as standard.

Anyone attempting to use SCO Unix V/386 or SCO Xenix 2.3.2 on an i486 based machine will be advised he/she is using an unsupported configuration. When production of i486 based 800 series machines commences further information will be issued.



Computing for a Connected World