SCSI devices on VX FT server under SCO Unix
When installing SCO Unix V/386 the devices are addressed as:
Description |
ID |
Adapter |
150MB streamer |
2 |
0 |
0 |
1st Winchester |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2nd Winchester |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The SCSI tape device is installed by invoking the command
and supplying the parameters detailed above.
Installing a second SCSI Winchester under SCO Unix V/386 is achieved by
running the command
firstly to modify the Unix Kernel and then running it again to
initialise the disk with the familiar fdisk and divvy routines.
Installing a second SCSI Winchester and/or a SCSI tape under SCO Xenix
2.3.2 is detailed in Intermediate Product Bulletin 3033.
Beyond two Winchesters only SCO Unix can be installed. A subsequent
bulletin will contain details on how to configure a five Winchester VX FT server.
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