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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3063 19th January 1990 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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SCSI devices on VX FT server under SCO Unix V/386

When installing SCO Unix V/386 the devices are addressed as:

Description ID LUN Adapter
150MB streamer 2 0 0
1st Winchester 0 0 0
2nd Winchester 1 0 0

The SCSI tape device is installed by invoking the command

mkdev tape

and supplying the parameters detailed above.

Installing a second SCSI Winchester under SCO Unix V/386 is achieved by running the command

mkdev hd 100

firstly to modify the Unix Kernel and then running it again to initialise the disk with the familiar fdisk and divvy routines.

Installing a second SCSI Winchester and/or a SCSI tape under SCO Xenix 2.3.2 is detailed in Intermediate Product Bulletin 3033.

Beyond two Winchesters only SCO Unix can be installed. A subsequent bulletin will contain details on how to configure a five Winchester VX FT server.



Computing for a Connected World