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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3075 10th September 1990 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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Double Panics on SCO UNIX and SCO XENIX

To correct problems with the operating system crashing on MCA Machines, and in particular 486 machines, a new console driver has been produced by SCO. This driver is now on the Bulletin Board (file area 39) and is called PANIC.ZIP.

The procedure given below will allow PANIC.ZIP and most images in file area 39 to be implemented. Some files in file area 39 are not disk images but these consist of single files.

  1. Download the file to MS-DOS machine.
  2. PK UNZIP the file where necessary (any file suffixed .ZIP).
  3. Copy the file on to an MS-DOS formatted floppy disk.
  4. Use doscp to copy file from DOS floppy disk to Xenix/Unix Winchester.
  5. To copy the image to a Xenix/Unix formatted disk use the command
dd if=<imagename> of=/dev/install bs=9k
where <imagename> is the name of the file transferred.

You now have a disk which can be installed using tar, custom, install, or xinstall as appropriate. For PANIC.ZIP the resulting disk should be installed using /etc/xinstall under SCO Unix and /etc/install under SCO Xenix.



Computing for a Connected World