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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3079 12th September 1990 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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SCO Unix V/386 - Security Supplement (UNX223)

This SCO Support Level Supplement contains a number of fixes which remedy problems with the C2 Security software. The software consists of three disks which are available on the Bulletin Board as UNX223.ZIP in file area 39. One problem exists with this supplement; if a major application such as TCP/IP, NFS or part of the operating system is reinstalled then the supplement must be reinstalled. It is therefore important that this supplement is always carried by dealer support engineers on site.

The documentation on this fix is considerable, copies can be supplied by Unix Support but they will not be faxed to engineers on sites. Please let us know if you require a copy of the documentation.



Computing for a Connected World