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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3083 25th October 1990 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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Support Level Supplements for SCO Xenix and Unix

Several new disks SCO fixdisks are now available on the Bulletin Board (append '.ZIP' when downloading as they are all in PKZIP format), they are:

LNG227 Contains new TCP/IP protocols drivers to fix problems found with some third party
LNG227 applications with SCO Unix TCP/IP 1.1.1.
LNG230 Contains the daemon to support PC-NFS.
XNX171 This is the SCO fix for the 16MB memory problem previously fixed by a kernel modification described in IPB 3061.

In addition, the file UNZIP.ZIP is a Unix version for PKUNZIP for use on SCO Unix / SCO Xenix machines; this can also be found on the Bulletin Board.



Computing for a Connected World