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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3109 24th October 1991 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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Server Environment Pack for Unix / Xenix

A new release (release 5) of the Server Environment Pack for Unix/Xenix will commence shipment on 1st November 1991. This new revision includes support for the LAN Light on machines using Ethernet cards and some High Resolution Drivers for use with SCO XSight on machines with 1024*768 VGA capability (Qi 900, FTe, Mk II FTs). Please see the price list for further details of monitors which support this resolution. Release 5 will also give support for the UPS on the FTe product range although it will currently report incorrectly the battery charge level.

This product can be used as an upgrade to a previous Server Environment. To install, firstly remove the previous installed packages through custom, then install through the New Product option the new permissions file. Now exit and re-enter custom to reveal the additional options to the Server Environment Pack.



Computing for a Connected World