Ethernet cards in XEN-PC
Unix Support have to date verified the operation of two types of
Ethernet card in the XEN-PC under SCO Unix 3.2v4.1 with SCO TCP 1.2.0.
3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
This card has straps for the I/O and ROM (when fitted) addresses only.
Setting of the interrupt and BNC/AUI port is done by the driver when the operating system
boots, the desired settings being defined when running netconfig. The ROM address should
be set to DISABLE as a ROM is not used. The I/O address verified is 310. The card does not
use shared RAM under SCO Unix. Do not use I/O address 300 which is used by the e596
Ethernet on the XEN-LS II, but is still not available on the XEN-PC.
The driver and TCP are configured with netconfig and the e3B driver
should be selected. The card has been verified on IRQ 3 and 5, so either can be used. If
IRQ 3 or 5 is required, disable the COM2 port or the CD-ROM interface respectively to free
the interrupt.
Note that the diagnostics supplied with the card will fail with a DMA
channel error initially. At present the only way to free a suitable DMA channel to run the
diagnostics is to disable the floppy controller on the machine and run the diags from the
hard disk. DMA is, however, not used by the driver for this card under SCO Unix though.
Western Digital 8003 EB
This card is of the software setup type from WD/SMC. This card has a
jumper for ROM size which can be ignored as a ROM is not used under SCO Unix; there is
also a jumper for BNC/AUI port selection. The jumper for setting a default I/O address of
280 should not be used for the reasons discussed below.
This type of card's settings are set by running a setup program to store
them in non-volatile memory prior to using the card. There is a DOS based setup program
supplied with the card, but there is a program supplied with SCO TCP1.2 called smcsetup
that performs the same function.
To program the card's IRQ, I/O address, and shared RAM address run
/etc/smcsetup. However there is an important note to consider:-
Do not select an I/O address of 280, either by selection from smcsetup
or by using the default jumper. This I/O address is invalid for this type of card in the
XEN-PC. Do not select an I/O address of 300 - see the discussion under 3C503 above. If an
invalid I/O address is programmed it cannot be re-programmed with smcsetup or the DOS
based utility. Indeed, smcsetup will hang Unix totally. The only way at this stage to
re-program the card is to fit it into another type of machine and run either setup utility
from there.
The settings verified for this card are IRQ 3, I/O 200, RAM address
Configure the driver and TCP with netconfig by selecting the wdn driver
which is a generic driver for the WD/SMC 8003/8013 EtherCard Plus range of cards. These
cards do not use DMA. The RAM buffer size selected should be 8k, this being the fixed size
for the present AT cards.
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